Let's Make Dinner Easier...Together

The Dinner Daily has helped thousands of busy families with dinner every week. Whether you need help with time or money saving ideas, or just some inspiration for easy dinners, we have you covered!

Ready for some weekly dinner inspiration?

Here's What To Expect

Every Sunday afternoon, we will send you some weekly inspiration related to meal planning and dinner. Things we LOVE to talk about:

How to Make Dinner Easier

How to Save on Groceries

Reducing Stress


Meet Laurin

The founder of The Dinner Daily, Laurin is a mom of three and former CPA. After struggling for far too long with weeknight dinners (and spending way too much on groceries), Laurin started The Dinner Daily to help other families with getting healthy and easy dinners on the table.

Since then, The Dinner Daily has helped thousands of families across the country eat better, reduce stress, and save money at their local grocery store each and every week.

Laurin has won numerous business awards and in 2022 was selected by Amazon Web Services (AWS) as one of 25 women founders to be selected for their inaugural Women's Impact Program.