My “process” for getting our family dinner on the table was something like this:
Stop at the grocery store on the way home from work, pick up some chicken, pork roast (who knows what I will do with it), maybe some more chicken, and then some random vegetables and hope it will be enough for the week. Drive home still having no idea what is for dinner that night or the next, even though I just spent a big chunk of money on groceries.
I try to come up with some new dinner ideas for my family, but it has to be healthy and something my kids will eat. After wasting time online scrolling through recipes I know my kids won’t eat, or realizing I don’t have the right ingredients, I once again admit defeat and go back to the same old chicken recipe we have been having for years.
Finding a way to pull healthy, varied, and affordable dinners together was such a challenge!

Determined to have a more organized and simplified routine…
I decided to make this dinner time rut and overspending on groceries a thing of the past. I took my passion for healthy eating and cooking, combined it with my financial skills and designed a system that would make healthy family meal plans easy and affordable.
My criteria was simple: the meals had to be healthy, easy to prepare, not too expensive, not include strange ingredients, and most importantly, enjoyed by my family. I set a target spend and planned a week’s worth of dinners using what was on sale in the flyer from my store.
I also pulled in online coupons for items on my weekly list, further adding to the savings. The results? My family loved the variety of the meals, I loved not having to stress each day about dinner, my kids were eating the dinners, and our grocery bills were the lowest they had ever been. It worked! I shared my new approach with friends and family and, in the process, realized how many busy families could benefit from using our plans. After many months of cooking and cooking some more, The Dinner Daily was born!
I hope The Dinner Daily brings you back to the tradition of family dinners that are happy and healthy!